Saturday, December 28, 2019

Over 50 3 Quick Fixes To Boost Your Resume

Over 50 3 Quick Fixes To Boost Your ResumeOver 50 3 Quick Fixes To Boost Your ResumeI welches feeling very good about an interview that I just had. I got positive vibes, and the hiring manager directly told me I had lot of great experience that she liked. But now the recruiters telling me theyve decided to go in a different direction. When I asked for more specific feedback, they said they were concerned about the lack of experience on a computer program that didnt come up at all in the interview. I think thats ridiculous its literally nonsense. Im starting to believe the real reason was my age.Wait, wait, dont tell me the hiring manager was probably a millennial, right? They acted like they were interested, right? They smiled the whole timeIve noticed something that a lot of human beings do, not just in interviews or job search situations, but in many facets of everyday life we overcompensate with positive vibes and politeness, then the second your back is turned, the real deal com es out.In an interview scenario, that can look exactly like youre moving right along, giving all the right answers to the questions, and highlighting your successes which they like and even offering up some ideas about their company. Everything seems great. You shake hands and they say theyll be in touchexcept that when theyre finally back in touch (if at all), no ones as happy or as positive as they seemed when you were standing right in front of them.If you dont want to stay stuckverzierung in terminal job search mode, but the reality is your years of work history add up to more time than the hiring managers been alive, here are some immediate fixes you can make todayKnow Your NarrativeThe core of your story is that you are a human being who does X to deliver Y results. The building blocks here are simple. First, the human being part are you a Marketing Director? An Operations Manager? A CFO?Next, consider what you do. Be careful here. Too often, candidates make the mistake of fa lling down the rabbit hole of way too many adjectives, like passionate, dynamic, or self-motivated. The operative word here is do. The litmus test so you know youre saying what you do is to ask yourself, What will the employer write me a check every 2 weeks to come in and do? Thats not be passionate. Thats not, be a team player. However, it may be, execute innovative digital absatzwirtschaft campaigns, or coordinate international live events.Then, inject life into your narrative by boldly proclaiming the results of what you do. Think about your employers larger objective they hired you to do X so they could benefit by gaining Y. Perhaps this they hired you to lead corporate budgeting and forecasting, to drive profitable organizational growth.When you know your narrative, own it, and state it powerfully, you give the impression that youre a mature worker who knows what shes doing and has the results to back it up. Thats infinitely more attractive than you being a mature worker whos c ommitted, or loyal.Align With The AdsIts important to customize your resume and cover letter each time you apply for a role. Customize does not mean overhaul, however. You should not I repeat should NOT have a dozen different versions of your resume. Thats both time- and labor-intensive. However, its in your best interest to spend a few minutes making sure your resume and cover letter match each opportunity you come across.Take your cues from the ads youre considering. Here is language for a Marketing Director opportunity Join a growing team of creative professionals responsible for the innovative design and execution of our marketing and sales strategies. Under direction of the Creative VP, the Marketing Director will plan, budget and implement all marketing, advertising, branding, signage, communications, and public relations initiatives to raise corporate brand awareness.Deconstruct what the ad says, then make sure your resume and cover letter say the same. Your resume may say youre a marketer. Align with the ads by saying youre a, creative marketing professional. Use their language. If you previously said you formulate marketing strategies, change that to design and execute marketing and sales strategies. You need not repeat every word verbatim. However, its a good practice to weave their language into your resume.Dive Into The DetailsWhen your history is extensive, prevailing wisdom says you need to condense your resume into no more than 2 pages. The problem, though, lies in condensing everything so much that you end up deleting the most high-impact details.I dont want to see you give a high-level overview, thinking that youll save your stories for the interview. Understand this youre not going to make it to the interview without saying exactly what youve done and proving the worth of what youve accomplished.Heres a best practice for when you have a long history select the best of the best, then leave off the rest. Limit yourself to 4-7 key accomplishme nts for each role. Yes, there may be more. However, after youve proven your point a handful of times, you then only experience diminishing returns. Move on to the next role.When you know your narrative, align with the ads, and dive into the details, you showcase yourself to be a unique, differentiated, experienced candidate. Doing so will have you make significantly greater strides because youre demonstrating value. The more high-impact value you demonstrate directly translates into the less importance the decision maker should place on your age.Once you boost your resume, make sure that it actually gets in front of the decision makers you need. You can find out how to do that so your resume lands at its intended target virtually every time. Thats in 5 Secret Job Search Hacks For The Age 50+ Job Hunter. Youll also learn what to do to bring the opportunities inbound to yourself, so you no longer have to spend so much energy pushing your resume out there. Register today.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Federal Jobs for Military Spouses on Military Bases

Federal Jobs for Military Spouses on Military BasesDOD Jobs / Federal Jobs for Military Spouses on Military BasesDOD Jobs / Federal Jobs for Military Spouses on Military Bases DOD Jobs / Federal Jobs for Military Spouses on Military BasesMilitary Spouse Federal Job Series by Kathryn TroutmanandJan Meert, Military Spouse and former ACS DirectorPublished October 30, 2017PART 1 Military Spouse Preference, EO 13473 for Federal Jobs.Many articles have been written on ways to assist military spouses with their quest for employment How to Write a Resume Mobile Careers for Military Spouses Starting a Home-Based Business Networking for Military Spouses, Volunteering and Employment but very little addresses minimally publicized federal employment opportunities for military spouses.Did you know that the Department of Defense (DoD) has a special hiring program for military spouses who are on PCS orders with their active duty military spouse? You have to accompany the spouse to the duty station . And you have to be married when you move there. Thats it. If you meet those criteria, you can take advantage of Executive Order (EO) 13473 and apply to federal positions as if you were a federal employee and get into the special PPP-S program for DoD jobs on your base.This program is also sometimes referred to as Military Spouse Preference. It isnt really a preference program, like Veterans Preference. But it is a special hiring program, designed specially for military spouses looking for federal jobs.So, whats the background? In 2008, President Bush signed EO 13473, Noncompetitive Appointment of Certain Military Spouses. This executive order mandated that federal agencies consider military spouses for Federal Employee (status) positions. In practice, what this means is that a military spouse who meets the required criteria can apply for federal jobs that are advertised internally (i.e., to current federal employees with status). You are eligible if you are the spouse of a member of the armed forces serving on active duty who has orders specifying a permanent change of station are a spouse of a 100% disabled tafelgeschirr member injured while on active duty or are the un-remarried widow or widower of a service member killed on active duty.The additional benefit is that military spouses can get into special hiring programs for DoD jobs on military bases. The DoD PPP-S program allows military spouses to be considered ahead of veterans and ahead of some federal employees for on-base jobs. The program requires registration and certification by a Human Resources Officer at your military installation.So, military spouses should seriously consider federal positions by leveraging EO 13473 and PPP-S for your job solution The sheer number of federal jobs acts in your favor. The US Government is the largest employer in the United States, and DoD jobs are abundant on military bases. Take advantage of this opportunity if youre a military spouse looking for employment.PAR T 2 How to take advantage of the EO 13473 for military spouses when applying for federal jobsWe know that that thousands of jobs are posted daily on the USAJOBS website, many of which are open specifically to Military Spouses. There are great employment opportunities that come with a good salary, not to mention some terrific benefits. Certain jobs even include the opportunity to travel to foreign countries. However, before you start packing your bags, you need to be take a few initial steps.STEP ONE Educate yourself on the federal employment application process. You can start by researching the website, but you might find it overwhelming, so I recommend you go to your local military support organization where there is typically an Employment Readiness Program Manager. These professionals can assist you with understanding the application process, and can provide you with books, resources, and even educational courses specifically targeted at the federal application p rocess. I highly recommend taking one of these classes. Typically, they take you through the process of navigating, step-by-step, the USAJOBs system. Its extremely helpful and any questions you have can be answered right then and there.STEP TWO Create your federal resume. This is going to be time consuming and a large undertaking, but dont let the enormity of this task defer you from applying you must persevere, itll be worth it Dont feel pressured to get the entire resume done in one sitting, take your time on it. Do some work, then take a break and come back to it. The typical federal resume should be 3-5 pages, in narrative form, with specific examples. Shift your paradigm, and know that you are NOT creating a civilian resume which is typically a maximum of two pages.STEP THREE Visit or call your local Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC), and schedule an appointment with one of their counselors to get registered. Youll need to provide them with a few documents such as a marriage certificate, copy of military ID, copy of PCS orders, your federal resume, etc. Some counselors will conduct this meeting over the phone, others will do it in person, either way, know that it can take up to 2 hours, so if youve got little ones, get a babysitter so that you can take your time and focus on this important meeting.STEP FOUR Be patient. Applying for a federal job is normally a lengthy process that can usually take weeks, if not months. Dont get discouraged. Continue to tweak your resume, search and apply for other jobs where you feel youre qualified, and continue to be patient. I had a friend that had applied for over 125 federal positions, all over the world, and all which she felt for which she was highly qualified. She was referred to some, and eventually was contacted for an interview for one, then a second interview, and finally a job offer. That process took approximately 6 months, so make sure you arent basing your household budget on that federal j ob youll be getting any day nowit takes time. So, persevere through the challenges, frustration, and disappointment because eventually you will land that federal position, and all your hard work will have paid offJan Meert BioBorn into a US Air Force Family, Jan Meert has dedicated her entire professional career to serving US tafelgeschirr Members and their Families. Jan was recently hired as a Consultant for Ten Steps to a Federal Job at The Resume Place.Jan comes to The Resume Place having been the Army Community Service Director at USAG Wiesbaden from 2009 to 2015. Under her leadership, USAG Wiesbaden ACS was Accredited twice with 100% score out of 208 inspected standards and awarded the IMCOM Army Community Service Center of Excellence Award in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2014. Additionally, Jan was awarded the prestigious IMCOM Stalwart Award in 2015.Prior to being an ACS Director, Jan served for 2 years as the Employment Readiness Program Manager with ACS at West Point, New York. Before joining the ACS team, Jan served in a variety of Army and Marine Corps Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation senior leadership positions to include Deputy Director Community Activities in Kitzingen, Germany Chief of Semper Fit, Chief Operations Officer, and MWR Director in Okinawa, Japan.The Stars Are Lined Up for Military SpousesFIRST-EVER BOOK FOR MILITARY SPOUSES AND FEDERAL CAREERSWhy a federal career for Military Spouses?Great salaries, versetzung potential, family friendly, family leave, training and MORE

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Listen to the power of quiet people Loud doesnt equal smart

Listen to the power of quiet people Loud doesnt equal smartListen to the power of quiet people Loud doesnt equal smartAre you an introvert or an extrovert?Thats a tricky question. I have a hard time answering it myself.Thats the problem of binary questions - you are forced to choose one or the other. Being quiet is a choice - you can be mora outspoken in specific scenarios or mora withdrawn in others.Who you are cannotlage be limited to one label. Especially, when those labels are loaded terms. Our society favors action versus contemplation - extroverts have a more positive buzz.Quiet people have a unique power - everyone, them included, needs to pay more attention to it.A culture that worships loud peopleOur society has a long tradition of trying to define whats normal - maybe because we have a hard time accepting that we are all unique.Being left-handed welches vigorously oppressed throughout the centuries - lefties were forced to use their right hand to write. Discriminatory practices against left-handers persisted well into the 20th Century.Similarly, people still believe that being an introvert is not normal - those who act and speak louder are favored.I remember growing-up, classmates would say, Why dont you talk more? I felt something was wrong with me. I enjoyed listening to others, observing the world, and cultivating my inner-self.Through time, I became much comfortable with being exposed. I can do a keynote speech in front of thousands of people or facilitate workshops that put me in a vulnerable position. I dont have an issue exposing myself - many people now believe Im an extrovert.So, have I changed?At some point, I became a victim of the push to being more extroverted. I became too loud - I wasnt listening or reflecting as much as I usually did. In the past year or so, Ive been finding balance - I recovered the power of being quiet.Society favors a man of actions versus a man of contemplation. - Susan CainThe speaker and author explains on her TED talk how, in the 20th Century, we shifted from a culture of character to one of personality. Being bold, having social influence and charisma became critical traits to define a successful personalityWe have an outdated charisma bias towards the loud - theres a cult for charismatic leaders, but that doesnt warrant better results.Bill Gates has played a transformational role in the tech world, similar to Steve Jobs. However, in spite of the Gates Foundation social impact, he doesnt get as much publicity or credit as Apples former CEO. Similarly, Steve Wozniak is not as quoted as his co-founder.The press gives the microphone to those who are loud.However, most successful stories are the result of collaborations between both introverts and extroverts. Wozniak says that he would never have become a computer expert had he not been too introverted to leave the house when he was growing up.Quiet people have things to say too and, most of the times, they provide more clarity and depth.Quiet people have a strong voiceThere is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert. Such a person would be in the lunatic asylum. - Carl JungThe terms introvert and extrovert were popularized by Carl Jung in the early 20th century, although both the widespread understanding and usage differ from his original intent. People turned it into a binary approach - you are one or the other.Jung suggested that everyone has both extroverted and introverted sides, with one being more dominant than the other.Free yourself from the extrovert or introvert label trap.The Swiss psychologist explained how we recharge our brain differently Introverts by spending time alone Extroverts from other people. Similarly, Hans Eysenck proposed that each type has different levels of arousal - their minds and bodies are more responsive to different stimulation.According to the English psychologist, extroverts have a lower rate of arousal. They need to work harder to get stimulated to the same leve l than introverts. Thats why extroverted people seek bold challenges, new experiences, and crave for company.Conversely, quiet people dont need others to feel recharged. Their voices are already strong - they dont need to speak louder. Also, being alone with ones thoughts can be as restorative as sleeping.Introverts are active when they are quiet.Introverts have a lot to say but also value the power of being quiet. Silence is not the absence of words, but the presence of focus. The only thing introverts hate more than talking about themselves is repeating themselves.Purposeful silence is a beautiful thingThere is always music amongst the trees, but our hearts must be still to hear it. - Minnie AumonierBeing quiet is a choice, not a permanent status.Mental noise can destroy our minds, as I wrote here. Silence is an endangered species that we need to take care of. Noise is both a distraction and escapism. Silence is more than the absence of noise - it allows the presence of everythi ng else.For Japanese people, silence is an essential form of non-verbal communication - its a sign of respect and personal distance. For Westerners, silence means something is wrong. Thats the biggest mistake extroverts make - they assume that, when people are quiet, its because they are doubtful, lonely or suffering.Silence gives you the freedom to be yourself. Its a beautiful choice that can reap many benefits.You listen more to others. Listening is the most essential part of a conversation. We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen as twice as much as we speak as Epictetus said.You avoid getting involved in ill conversations. The need to speak is an easy trap - we all become victims of our desire to add to the conversation. Gossiping, criticizing, expressing opinions about what we dont know are clear examples of doing unnecessary talking.You pause and observe life. Talking too much keeps our brain busy. As the Japanese proverb says To fill a cup of tea, you have to empty it first. When you stop talking, you start paying attention to the world around you.You learn from others. Rather than jumping to quick conclusions, you can listen to different voices. Not only you learn from others, but it also helps you walk in their shoes. Understanding diverse perspectives is critical to avoid being judgmental.You can spend more time getting to know yourself. Silence allows your inner-voice to speak up and get familiarized with your inner-self. To know yourself is to accept yourself. However, too much self-examination can kill you, as I explain here.Permanent silence is not always good either - life is a balancing act.Quiet people need more stahlkammer timeThe fear of being ignored, criticized, or attacked by others prevent people from sharing their true thoughts.Google research discovered that Psychological Safety can make or break a team. People want to feel safe to express their opinions without the fear of being judged by others.This notion applies to any team - working, sports, friends and family relationships must provide a safe space for everyone to speak up. Quiet people need safe time - let them choose when to talk and respect their opinions.The practice of Psychological Safety encourages two practices.1. Conversational turn-takingEveryone should have its turn to speak - avoid one person taking over the conversation. Women feel that they are more often being interrupted by men. The same happens to African Americans or Latinos - sometimes being a minority makes you quieter. Encourage a space where everyones voice not only can be listened to but also respected.2. Social sensitivityAny group - socially or at work - should get better at reading non-verbal cues. Not every silence is the same. Understanding the nuances can help you adjust your behavior. Research by Adam Grant has found that introverted leaders often deliver better outcomes than extroverts do because theyre much more likely to let those employees run with their i deas. Whereas extroverts can get so excited that they put their own stamp on things, overshadowing other peoples ideas.Accept quiet people as they are. If you lean towards being an extrovert, dont expect others to behave as you do.Five ways to give room to quiet peopleQuiet people need space too - just as loud people do. These exercises will help provide it.If you tend to talk too much, they will help you value other peoples silence. If you are on the quieter side of the spectrum, share the exercises with your friends and colleagues.1. No-interruptions ruleIts more difficult for women to earn recognition for making a valuable contribution than it is for men. The same happens to quiet people. Make space for everyone to have its turn to share their thoughts and opinions - everyone should agree to abide by the one-voice-at-a-time practice.A no-interruptions rule in meetings or social gatherings helps everyone voices be heard, not just those of loud people.2. Ask for feedback in advan ceQuiet people dont like to provide feedback on their feet. They prefer to take time to review information before they share their opinions. LinkedIn launched the Quiet Ambassador Network to recognize the voice of introverts versus extroverts and teach leaders how to pull the most out of everyone.Quiet people are given the notes of a meeting in advance so that they can prepare and have a point of view beforehand. Introverts can share their notes and ideas that are added to a website after the meeting.3. Use physical space wiselyHumans tend to move from one extreme to the other. In the case of office space, we jumped from closed to open spaces without any balance. Some activities require collaboration among large teams, others small social interactions. Many, demand privacy to reflect quietly on specific issues.Introverts dont thrive in an extrovert-centric workplace. Create quiet spaces and experiences for both individuals and small teams.4. Recover the value of silenceYou dont need to be loud to be smart. Silence adds rhythm and intentionality to your life. When you stop, everything else becomes visible. Encourage those around you to experience how it feels to be quiet but, most importantly, to benefit from silence.Try not speaking for a couple of hours. If you tend to be the first to give an opinion, force yourself to be the last one. Not just to hold your horses, but to actively listen to others. Pay attention. fruchtwein of the time silence means that your ideas add nothing to what has already been said. And thats okay.5. Get rid of the binary approachThe introvert versus extrovert thing is doing no one a favor. Choosing sides is never a good thing. Avoid the labels by creating collaboration opportunities. We need both quiet and noise.Organizations of all types must embrace and promote the collaboration between the quiet and the loud. Stop extroverts rules from bullying introverts because they choose silence.- - - Silence is a space. Use it wisely. Invit e the unexpected to happen.Create a culture of belonging where everyone feels welcome for whom they are without having to please other peoples expectations.Increase your team self-awarenessDownloadmy ebook Stretch Your Team - how to thrive in a changing worldget your free copy.Receive my weekly Insights for ChangemakersSign Up Now.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Friday, December 13, 2019

A second chance Your [Chinese] New Years resolution

A second option Your Chinese New Years resolutionA second chance Your Chinese New Years resolutionRecommit to your New Years resolution to change your career this year.Yesterday marked the year 4711 on the Chinese calendar, the year of the snake. Over one-sixth of the worlds bevlkerung celebrated the Chinese New Year by gathering with friends and family to exchange gifts, play games and set off fireworks to banish the evil spirits. In the days leading up to the big event, many cleaned their homes from top to bottom in hopes of sweeping out bad luck and clearing the way for good fortune.If you feel like your career New Years resolution has been plagued with bad luck, consider the Chinese New Year your chance to drive away negative vibes and start fresh. Havent stuck to your resolution? Nows your opportunity to recommit to your goals. Use these three tips to embrace the year of the snake and land that new job sooner.Develop a good planIn the Chinese zodiac, the snake is considered an i ntelligent creature and deep thinker. Before you (re)begin your search, take some time to map out a game plan. Look at your weekly schedule and carve out time for each job-search activity. Give yourself weekly goals, such as a specific number of job applications or networking activities to complete so you can keep yourself on track. The more thought you put into your plan, the easier it will be to execute.Charm your networkThose born in the year of the snake are thought to be natural charmers however, they also prefer not to rely on other people. Now is not the time to alienate your network. If properly utilized, your connections will prove to be valuable assets during your search. Be the best, most charming version of you as you reconnect with former colleagues and expand your network. The more advocates you have in your corner, the more job leads youll uncover.Find your power colorThe Chinese New Year is celebrated with decorations of red and gold, which are thought to bring good luck and wealth, and frighten away the evil spirits. We all know the job search can be a rollercoaster of emotions. If your nerves are getting the best of you before a networking event or interview, consider wearing a talisman. This could be a piece of jewelry or other accessory that has meaning to you and will keep you calm in the moment. Find a power color that makes you feel confident and incorporate it into your outfit in the form of a scarf, purse or tie.Your original New Years resolution may have gotten off to a rocky start, but you have the chance to start again. Rethink your resolution for the Chinese New Year and set a plan in motion to achieve your goals.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Little-Known Secrets to How to Show Promotions on Resume

The Little-Known Secrets to How to Show Promotions on Resume What Everybody Dislikes About How to Show Promotions on Resume and Why The hiring manager doesnt wish to understand about each boring thing you were accountable for. When a business is seeking to hire, they want a person who will seek out problems until they become urgent and your job on an interview is to express that youve got exceptional problem-solving skills. Finding the businesss mission statement on its website is also a very good idea. To begin with, you can have a look at the job posting that the business creating to determine just what is necessary for the position. Show prospective employers which you can play nicely with other individuals. When youve updated your resume, you should ensure youre adequately highlighting your strengths. You need to make sure the dates span your whole time with the business. For the interview, you will wish to have several specific examples prepared to share. How to Sho w Promotions on Resume and How to Show Promotions on Resume - The Perfect Combination Employers are watching out for employees that are capable of creating mutually beneficial working relationships. Hiring managers are mora concerned with your present responsibilities rather than that which you were doing three decades ago. They may pass you over if you do not have a strong resume while you search for a job. They agree that there are certain soft skills that are more favorable than others. Vital Pieces of How to Show Promotions on Resume Companies look to employ individuals that arent reluctant to take calculated risks. At your organization, youve held many diverse positions. Perhaps youve worked 20 years in 20 unique businesses, or you might have invested 20 years with the exact same firm. Moving up the career ladder or switching departments within the organization, nevertheless, isnt so simple to illustrate since there are more factors to take into account. Hiring manage rs arent likely to waste time deciphering your professional objectives and strengths, so utilize strategic formatting to make certain your significant promotions and accomplishments stick out. Regardless of what career you decide on, you are going to be expected to interact with different employees. Dont forget that your resume is intended to sell you as the very best person for the job, so concentrate on describing your achievements rather than detailing all your menial job duties. Whether there are any famous and renowned projects which you had the ability to successfully manage then you need to ensure it is a point to mention it in your resume. Up in Arms About How to Show Promotions on Resume? Take into consideration how a lot of people you managed. Owing to quite a few reasons people often have several positions that they should present on their resume, but they have no clue how to do so without making it look extremely haphazard. The other thing you might need to bear i n mind is you dont need to group multiple titles under companies. If youre promoted at your work, it demonstrates that youre a go-getter, motivated hard-worker, and surely understand how to get things done. If you determine that your prior employer has merged with a different organization or has become the topic of an acquisition, list the present name initially, followed by the prior name in parentheses. You should say that the jobseeker keeps this section concise to ensure its easy to scan. How to Show Promotions on Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About fruchtwein employers wont take the opportunity to reassess your employment file looking for information about your achievements or job performance while at the business. Job hunting is getting a science. Heres all of the information that you want to answer the age-old question on the best way to list numerous jobs within precisely the same company on your resume, impress employers, and find the job. The exact same ki nds of jobs could always be set under common categories so the recruiter knows the fields in which youve tried your hand at before. Writing a professional CV that may impress a recruiter is not quite as simple as it seems, particularly when you need to reveal your job promotion or career progress. Putting together a resume is quite considerable enterprise. You have to take hard abilities and add some fantastic soft skills to be able to get long-term career success. Soft skills on the opposite hand could also be known as people skills or interpersonal skills. Today you may believe that listing your prior role is irrelevant in the event the position youre applying for is more in accord with your current one. In such situations, its far better Describe each position separately. When each position differs, each position will require another set of bullet points. Following your present position, add your prior positions with the business.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Resume Writing up Employees - an Overview

Resume Writing up Employees - an Overview You ought to be able to produce a column of dates and locations for each job by developing an ideal tab. Needless to say, you wish to make sure the most crucial information stands out and is simple to skim. Concentrate on the content, make sure that the ideal information is highlighted, and just be sure it seems nice enough to produce the information simple to digest. In addition, there are a few handy methods to help you craft a successful resume. Whispered Resume Writing up Employees Secrets Soft abilities, on the flip side, describe behavioral attributes. When youre asking for work, your very first aim is to let employers know your abilities and talents align with the needs of their open position. More frequently than not, talent isnt a determinant of succeeding in any sphere. Resume Writing up Employees Secrets That No One Else Knows About Given their tenure at work, job seekers over 40 are more inclined to offer you a great deal of specific accomplishments. In fact, many organizations are eager to take risks on employees having the basic abilities and attitude to do the job. You must organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. Concentrate on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. Reading content backwardsawkward and time-consuming though it might beis a fantastic way to catch minor mistakes which you might otherwise miss. Writing a suitable document is a topic of wonderful concern and must be an ideal and flawless one. Its possible to also see Writing Template. As an example, be sure you include keywords from the work description in your resume. You also have to be in a position to grasp the finest possible information for the customers resume. More information on keywords and phrases are found below. You may often acquire a fanta stic starter list right from the work advertisement. Writing in complete sentences will make you be descriptive. A great editing job will take a small longerand some particular tactics intended to catch resume errors. Learn about the three sorts of skills you may highlight and the way youre able to incorporate them into your resume. Get the Scoop on Resume Writing up Employees Before Youre Too Late Your experience should address every essential qualification in the job announcement. By highlighting a number of essential abilities and your existing aims, you give the recruiter or hiring manager a taste of whats to come in the remainder of your resume. Your manager resume clearly needs to concentrate on your precise experience and should not be excessively generic. For example, a hiring manager for a construction company might be more interested in how much you are able to lift, how reliable youre, and whether you are able to learn new skills quickly.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Customize this Outstanding National Accounts Sales Representative Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding National Accounts Sales Representative Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding National Accounts Sales Representative Resume TemplateWriting the National Accounts Sales Representative Resume TemplateCreate Resume Larger schlussverkauf accounts require significantly more attention and this creates opportunity within the ausverkauf field. Those professionals who develop an ability to maintain accounts with a national presence can find their services in high demand throughout the corporate world. To write an effective National Accounts Sales Representative resume template, it is important to show off your corporate organizational skills and highlight your professional attitude.Resume Template for National Accounts Sales RepresentativeMario StroenelliProfessional SummaryResponsible National Accounts Sales Representative that has developed a variety of ways to manage and grow large corporate accounts. Proven track record of establishing buying relationships w ith multiple contacts within a single account, acting as a valuable product resource to each client and keeping clients updated on new product innovations or releases. Dedicated to growing national account revenue and creating the most comprehensive client profiles possible.Core QualificationsClient Management Database SoftwareExtensive Client ContactCorporate Resource ManagementSocial Media MarketingInternet ResearchProduct Knowledge EnhancementExperienceNational Accounts Sales Representative, October 2009 May 2015Peterson Company New Cityland, CAResponsible for a 23% growth in revenue for three national accountsArranged a regular schedule of video conferences with major contacts within each client locationWorked with marketing to create product information that was customized to each national accountNational Accounts Sales Support, June 2001 October 2009Timber Incorporated New Cityland, CADeveloped a spreadsheet for management that monitored daily sales for each national accou ntProofread marketing pieces designated for the larger accountsHelped sales representatives to schedule conference calls with client contactsEducation2001 Bachelor of Science, BusinessBillings University New Cityland, CACustomize Resume

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Find Unadvertised Jobs and Use Unofficial Recruiting

How to Find Unadvertised Jobs and Use Unofficial RecruitingHow to Find Unadvertised Jobs and Use Unofficial RecruitingWork your insider connections even as you try the official channels.The unadvertised or hidden job market comprises positions that are not advertised to the general public or included on the companys employment Web site.These employment opportunities are usually accessed through an inside connection who is aware of an opening or a need before the job is officially announced. Such career opportunities or needs include circumstances such asA leave of absenceAn unexpected retirementAn employee resignation or terminationMA activitiesNew products or servicesThe opening of a new facility or territoryAn internal reorganizationThese job leads are passed along through a network of linked contacts. They may include existing positions or positions that could be created for the right person at the right time.Who are these insiders?The hidden job market is accessed through people who know about openings, plans and employer needs. These individuals are primarilyEmployees (current and former)ConsultantsVendorsCustomersBusiness partnersDirect competitorsOthers with connections to company insiders.Today, networking is the name of the game. Were seeing the rise of social-networking sites, personal and corporate blogs, career-support groups and alumni networks as they become better-recognized sources of information about unadvertised opportunities. After all, relevant news and leads are passed among contacts (by word of mouth electronically and verbally) along with recommendations and endorsements that fuel networking introductions and unofficial recruiting.Unofficial recruitingEmployers have always relied on their networks to source talent, especially at the more senior levels. Recruiting is not just the domain of HR, recruiters and advertising. Everyone in a company recruits. In todays economy, networking as a major recruiting method is on the rise. The employer s network may be faster, cheaper and more effective than advertising or delegating this to the HR department or an external recruiter.Taking actionStudies have repeatedly demonstrated that somewhere between 70 percent and 80 percent of jobs are never advertised. While networking does not come naturally to most job seekers, todays tight job market demands extraordinary efforts to command employers attention. If you are not getting enough positive responses from your job-search efforts, its time to increase your time spent identifying unadvertised jobs.For those looking for a new career challenge today, it is not just what you know or even who you know but who knows what you know. This means that candidates have to offer prospective employers what they need, when they need it, on acceptable terms. If you can stay on the employers radar, then when changes create new, appropriate opportunities, youll be first in line to hear about them. The lucky ones being hired today are likely to hav e connected with employers through networking relationships.Traditional methods like submitting credentials, relying on recruiter initiatives and responding to an advertisement are less effective than cold calling, Web 2.0 tactics and networking purposefully with influential contacts. These are the reasons for prospective candidates to be proactive and focus on the hidden job market to identify their next challenge.Heres how to jump-start a campaign targeting the unadvertised or hidden job market.1. Assemble a list of target employers. Conduct research to identify prospective companies.2. Be proactive Initiate contact with the hiring decision-maker. The preferred method is to obtain an introduction through a mutual contact such as a company insider, a former or current employee, trusted colleague of a hiring decision maker, respected consultant or professional advisor.Network purposefully to develop relationships designed to establish referrals and access insider information. If you dont have a common contact, cold calling is an effective means to get attention and start a conversation if the value proposition is compelling and meaningful to the recipient.3. Develop a remarkable value proposition to command attention from employers. Generate trust and show an ethical character. The trick is courteously to remain front and center as the reliable solution to be remembered as new needs or challenges surface.4. Follow up on a regular basis. Polite, persistent pings move the process forward. Offer assistance. Share an idea. Send a link. Stay on the decision-makers radar. Build trust and encourage interaction beyond the first contact.Networking is all about being generous, not merely getting names to contact.Networking wont be productive unless it involves two-way relationships, not one-time-only transactions. Look for ways to be supportive it may take some creative thinking. Building a network purposefully is an investment that can create long-term career insurance , providing leads to new challenges as well as important business resources, professional support and advice.The emphasis is on promoting a mutually beneficial relationship where each makes the effort to keep in touch and be helpful to the other.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why employees who are honest about their identity will succeed

Why employees who are honest about their identity will succeedWhy employees who are honest about their identity will succeedAn upcoming studyto be published in the Journal of Business and Psychology, examined 65 previously conducted reports regarding the relationship stigmatized identities share with workplace functionality. The authors analyze the effect revelations of things like sexual identity, pregnancy, and mental disability has on how coworkers operate together.Eden King is the associate professor at Rice University that coauthored the study, wherein he discovered that those that are forthcoming about their non-visible stigmas are generally happier and tend to work more efficiently than those that choose not to disclose. According to the study,these individuals were found to express less job anxiety, decreased role ambiguity, emboldened commitment to their position in plus-rechnen to job satisfaction. Apparently, these psychological boosts extend behind the office. Respondents reported feeling less stressed and more satisfied with their personal lives as. a direct result of being more open in their professional ones.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreInterestingly enough these results did not similarly apply to people with visible stigmas, like race or physical deformities. Dr. King statesIdentities that are immediately observable operate differently than those that are concealable. The same kinds of difficult decisions about whether or not to disclose the identity - not to mention the questions of to whom, how, when and where to disclose those identities - are probably less central to their psychological experiences.King asserts that the mere process of sharing intimate and venerable information has a greater impact when said information is not ostensible. The decision to share appears to play a pretty important role.Mental illness and productivityT he research on the subject is pretty scarce, though most accounts, both personal and broad, corroborate Kings findings. Joseph Raunch detailed the benefits effect revealing his battle with mental illness and revealing to his anfhrer back in 2015 with a piece published in Huffington Post.It made him a better employee and the weight of concealing such a major part of himself was a toxic tax on his productivity.Considering the $100 million production lossattributed to mental health related-induced absenteeism that plagues companies, ensuring employees feel comfortableshould be afiscal priority.The Human Rights Campaign, suggests being open at work as a progressive measure to being less stressed at work, while also offering helpful tips to confront the surely daunting task.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people